Thursday, January 27, 2011


I jumped out of bed on Tuesday at about 10:00 realizing that I hadn't taken a picture yet.  I didn't want to miss a day so early in the year (I don't really want to miss a day at all) so I looked around the house for something interesting to photograph.  I tried taking a few pictures of Jeffrey's Buzz Light Year, but the shadows were really bothering me.  Then I remembered this sign.  I've been meaning to put it on my Jetsmama blog for a long time, but keep forgetting to take a picture. 

For months before Jeffrey turned 5, Tyler kept telling Jeff that he would get a bow for this 5th birthday.  After I got a bow for my 31st birthday in June, Jeffrey got even more excited to get his bow in August.  Once he got his bow, he was very careful and protective of it.  One night, we had a bunch of friends coming over with their kids.  Jeffrey was all worked up about the kids touching his bow.  He hid it in my closet, but that wasn't enough to satisfy him.  He brought me a piece of paper and asked me to write STOP on it, so he could write STOP underneath and then taped it to the door so that any kids who were thinking about going into my closet would know to STOP!

1 comment:

  1. It's so much fun to have these little day to day remembrances documented.
