Monday, February 7, 2011


This was almost the perfect day for sledding.  Actually, oddly enough, it was maybe a bit too warm.  (I know that's crazy to say based on our temperatures for most of the winter, but it mad the snow really hard to walk though and even to ride the snowmobiles back up the hill.)  At any rate, Tyler found the perfect hill.  It was a gravel pit all summer long.  There were no trees, no rocks, no fences to hit and hurt yourself on.  There was enough snow to fall into and not get hurt.  We had a blast!

This is Jeffrey and one of his best buddies, Grady.  I love the boys' smiles and the dog chasing them down the hill. 


  1. Wow. It looks like everyone had a great time. I'm glad that you found the hill.

  2. Their smiles could not get any bigger!
