Friday, February 11, 2011


Two weeks ago Tyler had Lasik eye surgery.  Yesterday, he had to have one of his eyes redone because his lens moved.  So...he wanted to sleep on the chair which meant that I let the kids sleep with me.  It was a nice treat for them, especially because I had parent-teacher conferences and didn't get home until bedtime.  I let them watch part of Alpha and Omega and then realized I hadn't taken a picture yet.  I ran to get my camera and Jeff decided that they should make silly faces rather than smile for me. 


  1. Ha, love it! I was going to get a pic of all the kids playing over here and of course I forgot. Aargh! So once again I was scrambling for a pic at bedtime, too! Good thing we have kids to fill that spot for us. :)

  2. Did you take the pic in b&w or convert it? Either way, I love it. I'm missing the little boogers.

  3. I converted it. I don't often shoot purposely in b/w just because I can convert later.
