Friday, March 18, 2011


The kids and I had big plans for tonight.  We were going to eat a snack and do at least six chores each before Tyler got home.  That way, we would be able to watch March Madness with him after supper. 

Tyler had other plans for us.  Number 1:  He beat us home.  Number two:  As we were walking in the door, he was rushing out.  He said, "There's a calf in the house.  You need to keep rubbing him to get him dried off and warmed up."  And off he went.

I went inside and did just that.  I wrapped the calf in some dry towel, rubbed and rubbed him until he was mostly dry, then got the blow dryer and tried to get his body temperature warmed up.  I even worked on getting a bottle down him.  By the time I was done, he was (barely) standing up on his own.  Now, Tyler calls me "Brandy Calf-Saver".

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