Thursday, March 24, 2011


Edited:  I decided that I didn't want a blank spot in my list, so...I could have taken this picture that day.  nothing about it had changed and really, it was only 7 hours passed the close enough for me for now. 
--See this picture?  Do you like it?  What's that, you can't see it?  Oh, that's because I didn't take one yesterday.  Want to hear my excuses?  Well, I was up for almost two hours the night before so I was more than exhausted after a full day's work.  I rode with Tyler to check on a calf and then to pick up the kids.  While we were down checking on the calf, I realized that I had forgotten my camera...which I always have with me.  He told me it didn't matter anyway because I would forget to take a picture.  I guess he was right.  I didn't make it a full year.  This SUCKS!--


  1. Oh Brandy, it's ok. You know we have to stop expecting perfection. It's ok, just start again today! Love ya! :)

  2. Yah, yah. I'll feel better if you and my mom forget sometime this year. :)
